Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Online Plagiarism
There is something going around called " Article Spinning". Article Spinning is when you take an article that someone wrote, change a few words and then publish it as your own. Online Plagiarism is becoming more and more of a problem. We don't always think the information we find on the "net" is protected by copyright law, but it is.
Believe me, I have several articles that I wrote myself. And if I see an article that even looks similar to an article that I wrote.....I will take the steps needed to keep my work protected. If there is an article that someone would like to use, all you have to do is copy it in the format that it is in, leaving the bio at the end as well. Don't change a thing.
Why would someone risk plagiarism? First of all, it does appear to be easier to get away with online since there are millions of articles out there. But understand this... You are taking away the credibility from someone that it takes into writing a passionate article. But maybe that's it. Much easier to steal from someone rather than take the time to do the work yourself. And if you are not a creative person, unable to write an article yourself, then hire a ghostwriter....That is what they are for.
Don't Steal Content From Someone Else's Hard Work. Plagiarism Is A Crime For Which You Can Be Prosecuted.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
How Determined Are You?
How Strong Is Your Faith in your home business? How deeply do you KNOW that what you are doing is working? Or do you find that you question your success in what you are doing? Stop right there if you even have a glimpse of doubt!!! You need to put yourself in a position where you sink or swim... There has to be a sense of urgency. You can't leave any room for doubt. Not one glimpse, not one second. Focus on what you want, and what the outcome will be. Leaving no room for doubt.
This is my personal experience.
I know without a doubt, where I will be. I can see my future. I can see the house that my children and I will live in. I can see how ALL my bills will be paid....How I can splurge on things that I never could have before. I can see the vacation that I will be able to take my kids on.
The thing is, it's not enough to THINK! You need to know it... Believe it......See it..... Taste it....Feel it.... Live it....Until you do get there. This is called DETERMINATION.... And guess what? Not everyone has this skill perfected.
If you have determination, then you are 90% of the way in achieving whatever it is that you want. Determination is very different than WANTING. Determination is taking your DESIRE and putting it onto action.
You first need to know what you want....For me, that's being able to provide for my children and myself a much more relaxed, financial living. To be able to help out my friends and family that are in need...And I want to be able to help support charities that are close to my heart. My children will be able to say that "Yes, mom struggled for awhile, but look at where we are now".
Ok, Now I know what I want... Now you need to come up with a plan of action. I plan on telling everyone what I do and how I can help. And make a difference one person at a time. If you are in a position where you sell, then you will do whatever it takes to sell your product...If you are in a position of recruiting, then you will get out there and explain to people why they should join you. Whatever it is that you do, do MORE of it. That's determination.
If you have ever given up on something that you wanted, look back and evaluate "why" you gave up. Chances are it was from negativity. And most negativity comes from those we care about. Friends and family. They are the most guilty of this. They think if they can't do something, that you can't either. That it won't work. Again, you need determination. Block out the negativity.
Surround yourself with people that are supportive of what you want. That do believe in you.That want what you want. You may find only one or two people that believe in you. And guess what? That's fine. You have one or two people that someone else does not have.
Please...There are so many people that want to doubt what they consider inconceivable. But it's your desire, backed with determination and a plan of action that will get you what you want. What is the difference between those that are successful and those that are not??? DETERMINATION.... That's all. They know what they want and they won't quit until they get it.
1) Know what you want
2) Allow your desire/determination to lead you
3) Follow the actions needed to get you there
4) Block out ALL negativity
5) Surround yourself with only positive people that believe in you. We all have at least one person that believes in us...All you have to do is pray for his guidance.
That's it in a nutshell.....Don't give up on something that you want. What a terrible thing to do. I know that my children will acquire leadership, determination and, perseverance from me. And what great skills to pass down. Now they will be able to achieve whatever they want.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Your Business is a 'Magnificent Adventure'
The sad truth is, most people live like sheep, following each other around: Go to work, get home, watch the electronic income reducer … and continue the cycle day in and day out, living (as Emerson described it) “lives of quiet desperation” — and thinking this is normal simply because everyone else around them is doing the same thing!
Ben Franklin said, “Most men die at age 25, but aren’t buried until age 65!” What he was saying is that we quit dreaming. Sadly most people die “with their music still in them.” I have heard it said that “Hell starts when the person you are meets the person you could have become.” Now that is a scary thought!
Success is the process of living your life working toward worthy goals. And here is the brain tweak: once you reach your goals, you are no longer a success! You must set new goals!
Success is not being debt-free, having cars, going on vacations or buying expensive toys. Success is living your life working toward worthy goals. If you are sincerely and diligently working your business on a consistent weekly basis, and you have your reasons for doing the business in front of you daily, then you are a success!
electronic income reducer, go to bed, get up ….)
You are expanding your comfort zone. You are developing new communication skills and many new friends. If you persist, you will succeed financially! But the mere fact that you are in the game is more than most people can say!
By: Dale Calvert
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, March 23, 2009
How Strong Are You?
We sometimes quit even before we start. We don't think we are strong enough sometimes or it is just simply impossible. But we have to endure it for in the end it is worth it. We need to give our best. And in my business that is exactly what I do... I give my best and expect nothing less.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
7 Tricks To Increase Your RSS Subscribers
Every blog needs readers to remain profitable. You need people laying eyes on your blog to make sales. But many blog readers prefer to read your blog through RSS. These readers may never see your blog, but crafty bloggers know how to make RSS subscribers come to their blog. So don't ignore RSS subscribers, they can be the difference between a profitable blog and a ho-hum blog.
Here are 7 tricks to increase your RSS subscribers:
Start a contest for RSS Subscribers only. Many bloggers have used this technique very successfully. People will want to take part in the contest and sign up so they can participate.
Publish RSS Subscriber only posts. Other bloggers have used this baiting technique to get people to sign up to their RSS feeds. All you do is every once in a while, publish a list or a list of tips only to your RSS subscribers. Make sure you post about these "special tips" to your regular readers on your blog. This will make them sign up so they don't miss out on the special tips.
Submit your RSS feed to RSS directories. There are many RSS directories out there. You need to submit your RSS feed to each of them. To find them, just go to Google and type in 'list of RSS directories'. It will be time consuming, but well worth it!
Use those RSS Subscription icons. Yes, they do help! These icons make it very easy for readers to your blog to sign up under their favorite RSS reader. If you make your readers work to get signed up to your RSS feed, many won't go to the trouble.
Publish your feed count. If you have over one hundred RSS subscribers, show the feed count. Other bloggers seeing that other people have signed up to your feed feel that they should also. It's a funny thing, the more RSS subscribers you have, the easier it is to get them.
Use Full RSS feeds. If you make your RSS subscribers click on a "more" link to finish reading your blog post, many will unsubscribe. Make it easy for them to read your entire blog post by publishing full RSS feeds.
Use FeedBurner and sign up email subscribers. I use FeedBurner so that my readers can sign up with their email. Some just prefer to read the post in their email, so I make it easy for them. It only takes a second to put a sign up form on your blog.
RSS subscribers are a very profitable part of any blog. Learn how to increase your RSS subscribers and watch your profits go up. Don't let these people get away!
Article Source: http://www.thewahmshack.com/articledirectory/
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Managing a Home Business as a Work at Home Mom
Managing a home business as a work at home mom can be a challenging, yet very rewarding endeavor! Many women who have young child elect to leave the workplace in order to focus on their children, and ensuring that the operations in their home are running smoothly and effectively. In times of economic woes like the world is currently facing, it is often quite challenging to live off of just one income. This is why more and more women are starting to create and operate their own home based business. If you are working to establish a home office, and create a supplemental income for your family, there are many preparations to be made. Here, I will offer some strategies on managing a home business as a work at home mom.
Creating a Schedule
If you are starting your career as a work at home mom who manages a home business, the first thing that you will want to do is to create a schedule. The idea is to create a schedule that will work in conjunction with your parenting responsibilities to optimize your profits so that you may be successful. Now, with that being said…how do you do that? It is actually quite easy to set the schedule. The hard part is sticking to it. Consider implementing the following tips in order to create a schedule that will work for you:
1. Set a certain amount of time each day to conducting household chores. Naturally, the time that you set must be a personal choice. During this time, take care of the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and other things that must be contended with in order to maintain the home.
2. When it comes to meals, it may be appropriate to dedicate one day a week to preparing meals for the rest of the week. Believe it or not, it is actually much easier and quicker to create five to six meals at a time than to space them out over several days.
Prepare a chicken casserole in one dish, and a meatloaf in another oven safe dish, and throw them both in the oven at the same time. While those are cooking, cook a pot of stew and maybe some chicken and dumplings on the burners. There, you have four to five meals depending on leftovers. You may also want to throw some burgers and hotdogs on the top burners. Then, simply freeze the meals and pull them out to defrost the morning that they are to be eaten. Once you defrost them, reheat, and you are all set!
3. If you have children that are at least toddler age, there are many chores that you can assign to them to help make things run more smoothly. They can pick up their own toys, learn to set out their own clothes and dress themselves, assist in dusting, and even feeding, watering, and walking pets! You should also assign certain tasks to your spouse, such as taking out the trash and lawn maintenance. Putting dishes in the dishwasher, starting the washer and/or dryer and even helping the kids get ready for bed are also great chores that can be assigned to your spouse.
4. When you work at home as a mom, it is important to understand that it is not going to be your typical eight hour work day. You will need to block certain times to dedicate to your work. I say, if you are just starting out, blocking work in two hour intervals is appropriate. As your children get older, and the family becomes more accustomed to your work, you may move that up to three or four hour blocks. However, it is important to know and understand that this may take time.
5. Designate certain activities and projects on each day of the week. For example, break up the house work into certain days. For example, Sunday can be your “cooking” day, and you may designate Monday as your “laundry day”. There is no rule that says everything has to be done, in completion, in one day.
Professional Goals
If you are a work at home mom that is in the process of managing a home based business, it is important to set professional goals. One of the best ways to achieve this is to create a sound business plan. This is a basic documentation of the way that you want your business to operate, the way that you want to handle your finances, a detailed list of your resources, and where you want to go with your home business. Businesses that do not incorporate a business plan into their endeavors typically fail due to lack of direction. It is likely that you really want and need your business to work, so do not fail to leave out this essential detail.
Quality Time
Once you begin your home based business, you will come to face the challenges that so many work at home moms face. Typically, the main challenge is separating the personal life from the professional life. It is essential that you have some quality time scheduled in among all the household chores, professional projects, and deadlines. This should be scheduled in daily. Then, there should be a day set aside, at least one, which you dedicate to your family. Let’s say Saturday your spouse is off, and the kids are home from school – make this your “family day”. Go out and visit the museum, the park, the zoo – or just sit down and play some games together!
Managing a home business as a work at home mom will likely prove to be challenging. However, it is also a very rewarding experience that you will come to cherish. If you follow the techniques contained within this article, you are likely to experience the success that you always dreamed of as being your own boss!
Leon Edward runs www.FocusOnTheFamilyLife.com and presents online free information on family issues, health, budget, relationships, hobbies, money saving tips, print coupons online and work at home ideas. Leon Edward also helps people to start, build, market internet business and ways to earn money on the internet in a home business. Get Your free legitimate internet business kit and training , visit www.homebusinessit.com
Article Source: http://www.wahm-articles.com
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
How To Determine Your Website Page Rank
How good is your Web site? Is your Blog up to par?
There are actually websites that will measure the ranking of your website. For those of you that don't know what page rank is, it's a tool put together by Google that determines the effectiveness or efficiency of your Web site.
The higher your page rank, the higher your Web site is listed in the various search engines, and that means more traffic to your site. This, in essence, means more people are looking at your site, your products, your services, thus putting more money in your pocket in the form of paying customers.
If more people are going to your Web site then less traffic is going to your competitors' Web site. Unfortunately most people don't even know what page rank is but those visitors that do will place your website in a higher esteem than your competitors and feel that your content is much more valuable and insightful.
Now you are probably wondering how page rank determined? And more importantly how do you increase your page rank?. Well, let's look at the first part of that question.
One way to help determine your page is when another site links to your page with a back link. The more back links you receive from other pages the higher your page rank. It's a good idea to make sure the back links are coming from sites that have content on the same theme as yours.
This process can get quite involved and a little messy because all back links don't carry the same weight or force. The higher the page rank that a link is coming from the more beneficial it is in terms of boosting your page rank. So if you get links from a lot of pages with low page ranks it will not have as strong an impact as a few pages with higher page ranks.
Now this is the complicated part: If you have a page that has a page rank of 7 and it is already linked to 10 or 15 other pages then it will not be any more beneficial to you than a page that has a page rank of maybe 3 or so. There is only so much linking that a page can do. It's almost like the law of diminishing returns, in other words after awhile it begins to have the opposite effect.
Another way to improve your page rank is through the use of web directories. Not only will this increase your page rank but it will also increase the traffic to your site. So if you submit your site to a large number of Web directories you will be able to increase your rank. There are a number of web directories you can submit your website or blog to.
There's a host of other items that will definitely help you to increase your ranking and the general traffic flow to your Web site. Also if you are curious about the page ranking of your own site you can see exactly where you stand by doing a Google search for page rank. This should help you to find some of the sites out there that measure page rank. Once you find a site all you have to do is put your own URL in the designated box and you will have your answer. A page rank of 6 or higher is very high.
About the Author: Mel Richardson - Coach, Author and Internet Marketer has been recently putting together programs for those that are new to the internet and looking to build an online business. http://www.freeonlinemarketingstrategies.com/
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Creating Your Outcome

There is something to be said in how you set the tone right away in the morning, for the rest of your day. I wrote a mini article on this in the past and thought I would touch on this a little bit more.
Imagine you wake up first thing in the morning, only to step into a little puddle on the floor. Then realizing that puddle was from your pet.
Or you are on your way to work and you are getting caught by every red light and every cross walk possible. With 7 minutes to spare, you realize that you left your proposal at home on the kitchen table. You have to go back to get it but you know you are going to be late.....Yes, these are things that are more than likely going to set you in a bad mood all day.
Aside from getting rid of your pet and keeping your proposal in your car so you don't forget. There are a few other things you can do to help create the outcome of your day.
This is a hard one for me since I am NOT a morning person... LOL... But, wake up a few minutes early. Not to go jogging for 10 miles or go work out at the gym... Unless, that's what moves you. But to give your mind the focus and positive energy that it needs to continue throughout the day.
After I get my first cup of coffee in me, I then head to my bedroom and open up the blinds...(after the sun rises) lol. And you need to do the same in your office... Open the blinds and let the light in. It just radiates warmth instead of feeling like you are just hidden behind 4 dreary walls.
Get your mind stimulated by reading positive quotes of the day or from a book. Better yet, write your goal down and the actions you plan to take on getting there. Once you do that, read that out loud every morning and every night...It can't hurt to read it several times each day. You need to embed your goals and the actions you plan to take into your mind so much that it becomes routine to you. This is setting your mind into ONLY thinking of your goal and what you need to do to get there. Keeping focused.
Playing some great motivational music is another way to wake up every fiber of your being. Come on ladies, tell me that if you heard "It's Raining Men" you would not be up, dancing around. You would at least be dancing in your seat.. LOL.
Keeping a grateful journal is probably one of the most beneficial things you can do. Each night I write down the things that I was grateful for earlier that day. And this really helps since you can look back at what you wrote and reflect on how many things there were to be grateful for. So many people don't realize the abundance of good things in their life and it's not until they look back at what they wrote that they can remember......
And keeping a grateful journal is also like a SILENT way of praising the Lord. As a Christian, we are supposed to praise the Lord out loud for all the blessings that we have. Journaling is a silent form of praising. I still do my praising out loud.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Line Between Defeat And Success
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another.
Before success comes in any man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.
That is exactly what the majority of men do.
More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told "Napolean Hill" that their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.
Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Be A Foster Parent
Social Work FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED Ohio mentor/Alliance www.oh-mentor.com. Open your heart and your home to a child or teen in need! We provide you with training, financial reimbursement and professional support. Orientation training starts Friday, March 20, 2009 from 6pm-9pm at 9800 Rockside Road, #800, Valley View, OH 44125. Call Lore at 216-525-1885
view or apply to job
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
You Can Set The Pace Of Each Day
You can set the tone of each day by what you do first thing after you wake up.
If you are like me, I am a BIG coffee drinker... I depend on my coffee to get me moving in the mornings. And every once in a while, I wake up and stumble my way down the stairs and into the kitchen in a comatose state.... I reach in and get my scooper ready to dig in and scoop out my morning dose of perkiness and then.... Ohhh No!!! It's empty.... What! no Coffee? And then the rest of my day is OFF...Nothing seems to go right.
And guess what? That moment right then and there can change the pace of the rest of your day.
Come on, admit it... You know it's true.
So how about doing some things each morning that will help set the pace for the rest of your day?
For some that may be starting out with exercising each morning. That feeling of accomplishing something physical, achieving your goal and getting your adrenaline jumping first thing in the morning.
For some that may be to take a few quiet moments and read a little something motivational. Maybe something by Napolean Hill, Stephen Covey or Richard Carlson.
For some, that may be listening to your favorite songs first thing in the morning to get you moving. Everyone has a song that gets you moving, even when you may be down in the dumps.
What I am suggesting is something do-able. You really can set the mood each morning for the rest of your day just by starting out with whatever moves you... Whatever motivates you. When you start each day off by doing something positive, that you enjoy, the rest of your day will follow that same tone. And if you should hit a bump in the road or something does not go your way, you will tackle the situation with a much better attitude.
Try it, you might like it!
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.