If you read Biz Tips Blog, then you know I've written about Twitter quite a bit in the past. One thing I want to make sure you know is that you can drive a lot of traffic to your blog with Twitter and get even more online visibilty.
Twitterfeed After you set up your Twitter account, you need to set up a free account on Twitterfeed.com. This application allows you to push out your blog posts to your Twitter followers. (I wrote a bit about Twitterfeed here.)
You simply connect your Twitter account and add the RSS feed for your blog. Then, choose how often you want Twitterfeed to "look" for new content. I have 5 blog feeds connected to my account so whenever I or Patsi posts new content, it gets pushed out to our followers. I'm finding that about 30% of our blog traffic is coming from people who click through from Twitter! And they are more likely to comment, either on the blog post or on twitter.
CAUTION: While it's important to push out your blog posts, it's even more important to engage with your followers on Twitter. If you don't, then you defeat the purpose of the tool to build relationships and eventually people will stop following you if all you do is push content.
Business blogging expert Denise Wakeman is an online marketing advisor and co-founder of The Blog Squad. With nearly two decades of business and online marketing experience, she helps authors, speakers, service professionals, and small business owners set up and optimize great blogs as well as strategically use social media tools to gain visibility, build credibility and make more money selling their books, products and services. Follow Denise on Twitter at http://www.Deniseontwitter.com
Cindy Ashworth is a single mom, working her way to become a full time work at home mom. Cindy is the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
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