Saturday, June 13, 2009

You Can Work At Home.

I am just so excited about my business that I had to post about it. With the economy the way it is and people having such a hard time with finances.....It seems as though more and more people are turning to starting their own business and working from home.

I knew there had to be something legit that I could do from home....I knew other people were working from home but they were running a business that I was not interested in.

I am the proud owner of my own business. I started very part time at first. About 10 hours a week. Now I am working about 35 hours a week. My kids are here with me, no longer needing to go to a sitter or daycare. I am not spending all that money in gas that I used to spend to get to a JOB. I create the hours I want. I can leave without punching a time clock and not worry about getting docked in pay.

Sure, I had to learn how to create a schedule and follow it. It does make things easier when I can look at my daily planner and know at what time I am supposed to be doing something. And if I choose to take the day off, I don't have to run it past someone and get it approved. I approve it!!

If you are reading this and wondering if what I am saying is true.....I promise you that it is. I can even show you what I am doing and how I am doing it.... I can cover the pay and everything else you would like to know. My home business is no big secret... I did not even know what to do when I started....Which is why the training we have is so important. Yes, we have training.

I suggest this: If you are considering to work at home or run your own home business and you are not even sure what you are looking for.... Contact me....There is no pressure, no sales, no overhead, NO COST..... Come see what I do and see if it's possibly something that you are looking for.

I will leave my email address in the event you would like to contact me... However, spammers need to know that there is no need in sending me your business pitch... I am not changing careers.

Have a great night,

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

1 comment:

  1. I was not going to allow the previous comment but I published it anyway. I checked out the link you added and there were red flags going off everywhere.

    I know you only commented to get your link out there.... Well, there you go... It's out there.

    And now I will end with: A Real Work At Home Business, Earn While You Learn, Computer and Internet Needed, Flexible Schedule, No Selling, Taking Orders or Carrying Inventory.
