Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Effectively Growing Your Business

What is the most effective way for a business, any business to grow? If you said "word of mouth", you are correct.

You and your family go and see a movie... You like it....You tell your girlfriend about it...And now she goes to see it because of what you said about it.

Your boyfriend takes you out to eat at a new restaurant that just opened up....You both had great service...The waiters were coming by constantly topping off your beverage...Asking if there was something else you needed... The food was amazing... The lighting was perfect....There was romance and still room to converse in getting to know each other a little more......The ambiance was perfect and the bill for your romance and connection was even better.... Of course you go ahead and tell everyone you know about the great dining experience you had....

Referrals.....All business's are built on referrals. And it is your recommendation that drives more traffic to that certain business. We do it every day, maybe not even knowing that we are doing it. We recommend the shoes we bought....The place we ate at...The movie we saw....Everything is all about referring.

So what if you came across a business that you totally believed in.... 100%... No if's, ands or buts....Would you refer? Of course you would! It's just natural to us... We do it every day and we are not even paid on it.

There is a home-based business that is built just on that... Referrals...And if you are looking to work at home, to own your own home based business and you have no problem referring something that you believe in, then you need to visit here and see if you have any problem referring this to your friends....Honest to goodness, this is life changing... And I am letting everyone know about it....

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of www.asinglewahm.blogspot.com and www.mykidsmywhy.com.

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

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