Sunday, May 31, 2009


So what is about pessimists? Are they people that have just given up on hopes and dreams? Have they always been this way? Maybe they were burned one too many times and just decided to give in to negativity.

There is nothing worse than having a pessimist in your life. They seem to think they have the right to jump in and tell you why "this is not a good idea" or why "that just won't work". It seems as if they have thrown the towel in. They walk away from trying to do more.....To try harder.....To Want more.....To be more.....To desire more.....

A neighbor just recently exposed himself to me as a "Pessimist".

As my neighbor was holding a little puppy, I had made a comment that we can't have animals where I live. And then I made a comment of how it will be nice to move and eventually get a puppy. He then told me about these townhouses that are available by him. I told him that I wanted a house on about 2-3 acres. I could not believe what he was about to say.

He said "Cindy, I make way more than you and I can't even afford a house on 2-3 acres. You need to aim a little lower, you have your goals set too high". I replied "We'll see" and walked away.

Just then it hit me. What if I had said that same thing to my son....My son has made comments
about what he would do if he were president.....I can't even imagine looking at him and saying "Well son, I think you are aiming to high....Why don't you just settle for being a janitor" or "You'll never be the president".

Words like that can just shatter another persons belief in something. Making them question whether they are capable and worthy. Especially to a child. So I am here to say to all the pessimists...."Don't doubt me for I know where I will be". And the truth of the matter is that the pessimist is only saying what he or she feels and believes in their self.


Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Working At Home

Working At Home may be the solution you are looking for.

So many people are looking to work at home but are not sure what is legit and what is not.
I know when I started my venture in looking to work at home it seemed that everything I found online was a scam. I had filled out a ton of applications that I had seen and then was swamped with emails and phone calls from everyone. And because of that, I went into shut down mode. I stopped looking, put my dream of working at home on hold and continued my life as it was.

Circumstances led me back into looking to work at home again. I started the process over of online searching and came across a few more scams but finally found the right position for me.
And because of what I experienced, I want to emphasize to everyone how important it is to get the credentials from the company you are considering to work for. If the company you are considering is not listed with the Better Business Bureau as a good, honest company, then run the other way. If the company is not listed period, run the other way.

By taking my time, trial and error, a lot of searching and digging, I found the perfect work at home business for me. You may have to go through a lot of the crap in order to find your gem.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tracking Your Visitors

How important is it to track your visitors? You can place a hit counter on your website or blog, but that only tells you how many visitors you have. What about tracking your visitors? What country, what state, what city, what time of day, how many times a day and so much more.

Just about every website or blog has a tracking tool on it. Of course you won't see it because it's in HTML code.

I've been using Stat Counter for as long as I have had my blogs and website.

Let's use this blog for example. Whenever I make a new post, I can use the information from my stat counter that shows me what are the popular pages that people come to look at. Of course, you would then want to add more of the same. If I had a page on gardening and it did not have one visitor, then I could take that info and I would change it or remove the gardening page.

But let's say I discussed "big money making tips", my stat counter would show me the overwhelming visits, where those visits came from, what time, how long, if they came back more than once and what other pages they looked at. This is vital information !!!

Once you learn how to use the information properly, this can help you create a better website or blog. Add more content that is popular.... Take away what is not..... And the extra perk you get with stat counter is that you are able to download and save (years worth) of all of this data, which will help your website or blog succeed.

If you are looking for a free way to help improve your website or blog, I recommend using stat counter, or another stat service like it.

To all my loyal visitors.... Come back and I will try and add more of what you are looking for.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Retaining Your Business Partners

Let's say you are in business with other business partners. How do you keep your partners in business with you?

First... Know the difference between being a leader and being a teacher. A teacher will take all the new info he or she receives and pass it along to their partners. But a leader will lead by example. Whatever successful moves they do, their partners will be eager to follow.

Become a product of your product. If you don't believe in what you do, how will anyone else? Seriously, think about that. Do you really believe in what you do? Does what you do make a difference? Can you really build an honest business and sleep good at night doing what you do?
Is your business honest? Ethical? Something that your business partners can really benefit from?

If you have business partners that are not contacting you to move in their business, just thank them and leave the ball in their hand. We can't drag people to work. Only they know how serious they are. Don't beg, Don't plead and Don't drag.... Your partners need to be ready. And they will let you know when they are.

How do you treat your business? Is it just a hobby? Or is it YOUR business? Do you treat it as a business that you would leave every morning to go to and spend your 8 hours at or is it something you piddle around with? Know the difference...It's what makes the difference between a hobby and a serious business that you own.

Set hours.... This is so important. Especially if you have a family. You need to set boundaries. You don't want to be working when you could be spending family time.... Turn your sign over to "Close" and treat your business as such. You need to have a dividing line and separate the both. You will keep your family intact as well as your business.

Have fun in your business.....If you are not enjoying what you do, then how can you expect anyone else to want to join you? Celebrate success......It is what we are working for.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Your thoughts begin the transformation of
everything. It is here with our thoughts that you can create the outcome of whatever it is you are thinking about. Thoughts attract more of whatever it is you are thinking about. Thoughts begin on the inside and quickly flow outward.

Life has a dependable way of multiplying and manifesting your thoughts. The thoughts you send will find their way back to you as circumstances, challenges, opportunities or achievements. So from this moment on, why not practice using your thoughts and just think positive.

Thoughts of accomplishment enable you to see that accomplishment in every detail.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Happiness does not depend on whether or not you always get your way. However, when you do choose happiness, events will more often go your way. You do not need to accumulate a lot of things before you can be happy. Yet when you are happy, you'll open yourself up to all kinds of new abundance.

Happiness is not something that you can obtain by taking it from others. On the contrary, the more that happiness flows out from you, the more of it you will enjoy.

If you limit your happiness only to certain specific situations or conditions, it will almost always elude you. Yet when you seek to bring happiness to every situation, it will be your constant companion.

Happiness is not the exclusive experience of just a lucky few. It is always there for anyone who is sincere and open enough to choose it.

Happiness is always there to choose, in any place, at any time, under a whole wide range of conditions. Give happiness to the moments of life, and you will surely know it well.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Simple Marketing For You

Let's use an online store as an example of a business that you have. Here are some very basic steps to take in getting your business recognized.

Whether it's an ad, an email or even a splash page, you need to have a catchy headline. If your headline is not catchy, why would someone keep reading any further?

Make sure you offer something of value for free to your visitors. Possibly something like free shipping on orders over a certain amount sounds good to me.

If you are offering "Clearance Items" or "Special Promotions" make sure to show your readers where those offers can be found.... You need to guide them as to where you want them to go.

Keep track of your marketing methods and where your interested individuals come from. There are tools available that can help in your tracking methods.....If you are placing ads then you need to ask what ad your prospect came from.....Ask the very common question: "Where did you hear about me from"? Or, "Who referred you to me"?

If you have already accumulated a list of faithful readers, customers or followers, then keep in touch with them and offer them your finest deals, your words of thankfulness and continue offering your business to them. They have decided to choose you for a reason... Let them know that you appreciate them

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting Your Website Started

The first thing you want to do with your website is add your own content. It's
ok to borrow articles from another source on occasion, just make sure you keep the bio intact of the source. Honestly, the best thing you can do is to write your own fresh content. Also, update your website regularly.

You will want to submit your website to search engines. And this can be done manually. Make sure you go to Google, Yahoo and Scrub The Web. You can always do a search for search engine directories to find more. You will want to look for the "Add url" section. Mostly found at the bottom however, sometimes they are at the top.

After submitting to search engines you will now want to add keywords. This is where you need to put yourself as a visitor. What words would they use to find you? Those would be your keywords. Keywords help pull your site up when people are searching for you.

Use services to create an online community. A great tool to use would be a forum. This would allow your visitors to become interactive with other members and adding great content as well.
Offer something of value to your readers for free. Maybe you have an ezine that they can download for free....The choice is yours. But by offering something to your readers will surely keep them coming back.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Monday, May 4, 2009

There are things you will soon know that you've never yet considered. There are places you will soon go that you now do not even know are there.

How foolish it would be to ever give up hope or to turn loose of your dreams. For every moment that comes to you arrives with a fresh new load of possibilities.

What now seems to be impossible will be commonplace one day. The very endeavor where you face the most stubborn obstacles may well turn out to be the source of your greatest triumphs.

Those who expect the best of what's to come, have a way of finding it. In all the possibilities that are now being born there's surely one that's just right for you.

Lovingly greet each moment as it comes. For in that moment are new opportunities for you to grow, to experience, to live fully and to move positively forward.

A new now is arriving with every tick of the clock. Jump in and make it the best one yet.

Source: Lead Power

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Giving Your Home Based Business A Boost With Blogging

Blogs are like ripe apples hanging on the tree ready to be picked, beautiful and oh so delicious. Indulging to it will never be a poison. . It can also be likened to a virus but the difference is the benefits blogs give and also because they are vastly and fast spreading around the globe.

That’s for the giants of the arena of business, but how about those smaller enterprises? Does blogs suit them? By all means, yes.

Small businesses or home based ones needs more blog than any other business. Since their business place is far off from the central marketplace, people need to be informed and be aware of the existence of these smaller enterprises through blogging. By means of blogging, these types of businesses are given chance to be known and be noticed.

To add to that, let us take these advantages of blogs for home based businesses:

»Blogs are all-you-need package. HTML is hard to learn and a little time consuming. By using blogs you will no longer problem the appearance since it is preset for convenience purposes.
»You can post anything on blogs without any hassle at all. Plus you can post anytime. Nonetheless, posting is not a problem.
»Since basically blogs are not e-mail communication, spam has no place in it.

With these entire advantages all for free means a business with high profits.

Remember you must update your blog every now and then. New updates mean another to look forward to on the side of your audience. In as often as possible, you may update your blog at least twice every week. It will let your audience ask for more. Never overlook all current information and issues that will surely catch their attention.

Your blog should have a place for comments, reactions and suggestions. It will help you reach the audiences tastes and desires through their own feed backs. Criticisms are very essential tool for your websites growth. Just take every criticism positively.

Do not forget to link your blogs to other resources. It will help not just you and your business but also your customers.

Simplicity is not ugly. Complicated layout and color will attract customers easily and also can shoo them easily too. Always keep in mind that content is more important than anything else in your blog.

The entire earth is waiting for your business to be known. Take that mouse and make your own blog.

Article Source:

Tamara works from home and enjoys helping others do the same. For More tips and ideas on home businesses visit My Work at Home Business be sure to sign up for the newsletter for great tips and ideas to work from home and a free chance at some great advertising

***THIS ARTICLE is available for reprint as long as it remains unchanged, the Author's Resource Box is included, all links are live and clickable, and our Article Source Credit Url is included. Author reserves copyright.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.