Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Plant Your Garden

George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."

Well, it's pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed (for a while) that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.

Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety and worry - his life becomes one of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing... he becomes nothing.

How does it work? Why do we become what we think about? Well, I'll tell you how it works, as far as we know. To do this, I want to tell you about a situation that parallels the human mind.

Suppose a farmer has some land, and it's good, fertile land. The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn't care. It's up to the farmer to make the decision.

We're comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn't care what you plant in it. It will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.

Now, let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade. He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land...and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted.

As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants - one corn, one poison.

The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn't care what we plant...success...or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal...or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant must return to us.

You see, the human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth. It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return anything we want to plant.

(An excerpt from "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Six steps to accomplish your goals and resolutions

Achieve your dreams: Six steps to accomplish your goals and resolutions. Don't let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Chances are that to achieve your dreams and live a life you love, those goals and resolutions are crucial. Goal setting and goal achievement are easier if you follow these six steps for effective and successful goal setting and resolution accomplishment .
They must be in writing.

1) You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.

So, your first step in goal setting and achieving your dreams is that you've got to really, really want to achieve the goal!

2) Visualize yourself achieving the goal. Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. What will your achievement feel like? How will your life unfold differently as a result? Keep a picture of the item where you see and are reminded of it everyday. If you can't picture yourself achieving the goal, chances are...You won't!

3) Make a plan for the path you need to follow to accomplish the goal. Create action steps to follow. Identify the key accomplishments along the way, the most important steps that must happen for the goal to become a reality. You have to make sure that the blueprint is really what you want and that you've thought everything through. Begin every day with the end results in mind.

4) Commit to achieving the goal by writing down the goal. Lee Iacocca said "The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen". Write down the plan, the action steps and the critical path.

Writing down the goal, the plan and the time-line, sets events in motion.

5) Establish times for checking your progress in your calendar system. Day planner, hand written list, Outlook...If you're not making progress, don't let your optimism keep you from accomplishing your goals. No matter how positively you are thinking, you need to assess your lack of progress. Just know that something is and probably will go wrong. Take a look at all the factors that are keeping you from accomplishing your goal and develop a plan to overcome them. Add these plan steps to your calendar system as part of your goal achievement plan.

6) Review your overall progress regularly. Make sure you are making progress. Analyze where the goal is not being met.. Don't allow the goal to just fade away. Figure out what you need to do to accomplish it. Check the prior 5 steps starting with an assessment of how deeply you want to achieve the goal!

By: My Team

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Send a card to a soldier

Xerox will print off a card that you choose and send it to a soldier in Iraq. All cards are made by children. Please visit:

Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and

Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.