Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Plant Your Garden
George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."
Well, it's pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed (for a while) that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.
Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety and worry - his life becomes one of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing... he becomes nothing.
How does it work? Why do we become what we think about? Well, I'll tell you how it works, as far as we know. To do this, I want to tell you about a situation that parallels the human mind.
Suppose a farmer has some land, and it's good, fertile land. The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn't care. It's up to the farmer to make the decision.
We're comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn't care what you plant in it. It will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.
Now, let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade. He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land...and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted.
As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants - one corn, one poison.
The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn't care what we plant...success...or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal...or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant must return to us.
You see, the human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth. It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return anything we want to plant.
(An excerpt from "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Six steps to accomplish your goals and resolutions
Achieve your dreams: Six steps to accomplish your goals and resolutions. Don't let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Chances are that to achieve your dreams and live a life you love, those goals and resolutions are crucial. Goal setting and goal achievement are easier if you follow these six steps for effective and successful goal setting and resolution accomplishment . They must be in writing.
1) You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
So, your first step in goal setting and achieving your dreams is that you've got to really, really want to achieve the goal!
2) Visualize yourself achieving the goal. Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. What will your achievement feel like? How will your life unfold differently as a result? Keep a picture of the item where you see and are reminded of it everyday. If you can't picture yourself achieving the goal, chances are...You won't!
3) Make a plan for the path you need to follow to accomplish the goal. Create action steps to follow. Identify the key accomplishments along the way, the most important steps that must happen for the goal to become a reality. You have to make sure that the blueprint is really what you want and that you've thought everything through. Begin every day with the end results in mind.
4) Commit to achieving the goal by writing down the goal. Lee Iacocca said "The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen". Write down the plan, the action steps and the critical path.
Writing down the goal, the plan and the time-line, sets events in motion.
5) Establish times for checking your progress in your calendar system. Day planner, hand written list, Outlook...If you're not making progress, don't let your optimism keep you from accomplishing your goals. No matter how positively you are thinking, you need to assess your lack of progress. Just know that something is and probably will go wrong. Take a look at all the factors that are keeping you from accomplishing your goal and develop a plan to overcome them. Add these plan steps to your calendar system as part of your goal achievement plan.
6) Review your overall progress regularly. Make sure you are making progress. Analyze where the goal is not being met.. Don't allow the goal to just fade away. Figure out what you need to do to accomplish it. Check the prior 5 steps starting with an assessment of how deeply you want to achieve the goal!
By: My Team
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Send a card to a soldier
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
We can’t give any of these things to you. These are all things that only you can give yourself.
You’ve got to have a vision for yourself and then you’ve got to put in the hard work.
Because when you do, when you use self discipline, you don’t just achieve excellence, you get the rewards that come with it.
Do the hard work and the doors will swing wide open.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
There’s an old saying that says...“If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!”
Your “frog” should be the most difficult item on your things to do list, the one where you’re most likely to procrastinate; because, if you eat that first, it’ll give you energy and momentum for the rest of the day.
But, if you don’t...and let him sit there on the plate and stare at you while you do a hundred unimportant things, it can drain your energy and you won’t even know it.
Bon Appetite!
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Line Between Defeat And Success.
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another.
Before success comes in any man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.
That is exactly what the majority of men do.
More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told "Napolean Hill" that their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.
Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Link Exchanges
Link Exchanges: Another FREE and easy way to get your Website/Blog out there. I assume most people are aware of how this works but in the event you are just beginning, then I will make the obvious suggestion.
If you have a blog or website that is all about pet grooming, then you will want to exchange with other websites that are of the same topic. Match the relevance of your website to those that are the same. This is why:
When someone searches for pet grooming, you want your link to come up. If you are exchanging with websites that offer house cleaning services, then your link is not going to come up in the search.
So whatever your niche is, go google it and see what all comes up.... Play with the keywords which will allow other sites to come up in your search. Then approach the owner of that site, giving them info about you and your website... Let them check it out and if they like it, they will allow you to place your link on their site as long as you place their link on your site.
Good Luck!
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Enter 212°...The Extra Degree
The 212° concept is one of the most powerful communication concepts that I've ever experienced. Here's the idea...
- At 211 degrees...water is hot.
- At 212 boils.
- And with boiling water, comes steam.
- And steam can power a locomotive.
- And, it's that one extra degree that...
- Makes all the difference.
And, of course, so many times, in business and in life, it's that one extra degree of effort that separates the good from the great.
What I love about the 212° idea is that you can use it to fit your own needs. It may be 212° service that you'd like to reinforce, or 212° attitude, leadership, or quality. Or maybe, you'll choose to build your entire company culture around the 212° differentiate yourself from your competition.
However, what makes the 212° concept #1 in my mind is this: It's very simple, but more importantly, it's MEMORABLE! If you're trying to create a 212° culture your people will get it! And, not only will they get it, they'll remember it! When you say 212° service, they'll know exactly what you're talking about; when you say 212° attitude, teamwork, leadership...they'll understand.
Taken from "Simple Truths"Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Multiple Income Streams
I am not talking about adding streams of income like adwords, affiliate marketing and things of that nature. I'm talking about really running two or more business's.
I suggest finding one business that you really believe in and focus on that. Put your heart into it. It's ok to do little things on the side to generate extra income. Just don't spread yourself so thin that you are only giving 10% of yourself into ten different streams. I would rather see you put 90% in one business and and leave the other 10% for miscellaneous.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
No experience is necessary. If you have a computer, are self-motivated and willing to learn, we will work with you every step of the way. We offer part time or full time income working from the comfort of your home computer.
We Provide:
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Internet Marketing offers the ability to reach millions of people worldwide. We have taken Sales and Marketing into the 22nd Century. We are part of an award-winning company that is expanding and looking for ambitious and committed individuals.
For More Info: Visit Here: And fill out the brief application.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It Takes Action To Achieve Your Goals
The odds that you’ll succeed in achieving any of your goals without taking action are about the same as winning the lottery without buying a ticket!
For those times when you feel trapped, stressed, or in a prison of your own making, take massive, intentional, purposeful goal directed action. It’s the ultimate silver bullet.
In real estate, it’s location, location, location. In goal-setting , its action, action, action.
You can’t just stick out your thumb and hitchhike your way to success. You’ve got to roll up your sleeves and do the work that needs to be done.
Whether your goal is to be or not to be is largely dependent upon your actions.
The cure for the ills of procrastination is a heavy prescription of action, until the day arrives when your goals and their achievement are one in the same-until you cannot tell them apart.
Keep this in mind, a good plan will almost always get you in the door, but it is action that seals the deal.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, September 14, 2009
12 Ideas To Relieve Stress
When you feel like this, it is hard to get any work done and can be very counterproductive for you. You must step back, take a break, clear your head and get rid of some stress!
I have found a few things that can help alleviate these problems and would like to share them with you.
1. Get up and get away from the computer for awhile. Even if it is only for 10 - 15 minutes. Walk around the house, stretch your muscles, do some neck and back stretches. These can do wonders!
2. Take a walk. Get dressed, go outside, breathe in the fresh air and take a 20 - 30 minute walk. This is one of the most invigorating things you can do to clear your head and get the cobwebs out. Walking is the one activity I would recommend the most.
3. Call a friend or family member and just chat for awhile. This can also be a great way to lift your spirits and confirm your suspicions that there are other people on this planet! ;-) Chat for awhile and laugh a little. Laughter is a great medicine!
4. Have a little fun! Put on some of your favorite music and dance around the house. Let loose and have some fun. Act goofy, crazy or waltz yourself to China. This helps get out some of the frustrations and pent up emotions that can cause the blues.
5. Just relax! Turn everything off, (including your computer), make yourself a cup of coffee, cocoa or just plain water. Just sit in complete silence and watch the birds outside or put a cool cloth over your eyes. Let your mind just go blank for awhile. Forget everything and just relax!
6. Exercise your mind! Show your mind that there is more than just the computer. Do a crossword puzzle, play a few games of solitaire, or read a book. These are all great ways of getting your mind off business and clearing out all the old to make way for the new.
7. Do some housework! This might not be the most fun thing to do, but it helps take your mind off business for awhile and believe me, after about an hour of housework, you will be more than ready to get back to business!
8. Take a TV break! Watch a program that allows you to escape to another world. After you are finished you just might be glad to be back in your world.
9. One thing I do when business gets the better of me is to shut the computer down for the day and turn my attention to other things that need to be done. Just taking a small break from business can help, but when things are really stressful we may need a longer break.
10. Get some sun! After being indoors so much, we need to get out and get some sun. The sun is very good for your mind and body. Sunshine is a very good anti-depressant! But do remember to wear protection so you don't get too much exposure.
11. Enjoy time with your family! Play a game, take a walk, watch a heartwarming family adventure movie, or just sit and talk. No matter how hard we work, we need to make time for family.
12. Eat healthy foods! This we all know, of course, but it is much easier said than done. Start by changing one meal at a time or adding one healthy food a day. The better we feel, the better we can handle everyday stress!
I hope some of these pointers will help you relax and get back to business. I know they have been a great help to me more than once. Sometimes when you are feeling unproductive, stressed our or just plain tired, the idea is not to work harder but to stop working and give your mind and body a well-deserved break!
Terri Seymour has several years online experience and has helped many people start their own business. Visit her site at for help, resources, support and more. Seymour Products also offers resell ebooks for $1 each, free affiliate programs and a free weekly ezine.
Article Source:
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Don't Quit!
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Don't Lose Sight
Working online can be a challenge for some individuals. After all, you are exposed to everything on the internet. That can be a distraction in itself.
I suggest not turning on the tv or the radio. Not only is it unprofessional to someone that you may be on the phone with if all they hear is Jerry Springer or Howard Stern in the back ground, but you also lose focus of the work that you need to be doing.
Stay focused on the tasks you need to take in order to get your work done. If you are are checking your email. watching youtube videos, engaging in any tele -seminars and playing games than you are not doing what you need to do and your work will suffer.
Stay focused and don't lose sight. Be professional and treat your work with nothing but respect.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What Is Teamwork?
According to John Maxwell, "The speed of the leader is the speed of the team." While that's true, it is important to remember that the leader sets many agendas in addition to speed. Consider this phrase: The ______ of the leader is the ______ of the team. Now pick almost any word to fill in the blanks...
Rarely will team members rise higher than the standard set by the team leader. As I often share with my audiences, team members pay more attention to what the leader does than what the leader says. Ideally, there is congruence between the words and the action of the leaders. Wherever there is discongruence, followers choose to believe actions.
Are you giving team members something to live up to? Or are you a limiting factor in the team's success?
Teamwork: Where?
While working with a telecom company recently, I was reminded of a couple of points about teamwork that are seldom addressed but critically important. The first is this:
Teamwork isn't always the best means to an end.
There is much organizational work that is better done by an individual. Trying to bring teamwork to bear on every process and activity is likely to create something that has a scary resemblance to the dreaded "management by committee."
To make teamwork work, it is necessary to answer the question "Where?" Where should we team and/or partner? What areas will be improved by applying a teamwork approach?
Secondly, it isn't enough to sell the benefits of teamwork if you can't identify the opportunities. This is related to my previous point. Start by asking where in your organization teamwork is most needed. Rather than apply a general and vague team approach, target specific areas. Once momentum is gained in those important areas, you can increase the scope of teamwork.
I wonder how many team efforts crashed and burned because nobody ever asked if teamwork was desirable for the type of work being done, or identified where the opportunities for teamwork were greatest.
Middle-Down Teamwork
One of the most common mistakes I observe is what I call "middle-down teamwork." That occurs when upper management thinks that teamwork is a great concept for every in the organization except them.
Here's what happens: someone in leadership gets turned-on by an article in Fortune or Business Week about the organizational benefits of teamwork. That usually results in a mandate to create teamwork that is directed to middle management. Middle management is expected to put their people through prerequisite training and take the steps necessary to ""make it happen." Often during the initial training, it becomes painfully obvious to those involved that upper management neither practices nor supports the concept of teamwork, and that if teamwork is to happen, it will happen from the middle down. Evaluations of the training include comments like, "Why wasn't upper management involved in the training?" and "I hope our leadership takes these lessons to heart."
For teamwork to work, it must be embraced--in principle and in practice--by everyone in the organization. But, in my opinion, the best place for a teamwork initiative to start is at the top. Once employees see leadership practicing what they preach, it becomes significantly easier to get acceptance throughout the organization.
1. In successful teams, team members are interdependent. They are willing to ask for help when they need it and offer help when they can provide it.
2. Work groups compete inward. Teams compete outward. There are three things you can use to create healthy competition: a competitor in the marketplace, a team goal to be achieved or a common problem to be solved.
3. Team members are self-starters. Since they understand the big picture, they don't need to be told what to do.
4. Successful team members share both rewards and sacrifices. Don't expect people to make sacrifices if they won't get to share in the rewards later.
5. The best thing you can strive for is not a team with a great leader. The highest goal is a team of leaders.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Plugging... What an effective way to get your business or service out there.. And guess what? It's FREE.
So many websites and blogs have plug boards on them that will allow you to place your plug and url on their board in exchange for allowing them to plug on yours...And you can still find websites and blogs that will let you plug without even having a plug board of your own.
Of course you can google "plug boards" but you won't get as many listings as you would by actually visiting one. Because once you visit one, you will have access to many more.
You will need a plug image that represents you. For this blog, I am using the "Asinglewahm" and I can go to other blogs or websites and plug it...Meaning, when someone clicks on the image, it will take them to my business or service.
Example: at the bottom of this blog is a section called "Plug It" When plugging you will need an image url and a website url.... In the first box is where you will input the image url.... That link is what allows your image to show.... The second box is your website url..... once you enter both, you click on "plug" and that will display your image and link so someone can click on it and see what you are all about.
So go ahead and plug everywhere you can... It's a great way to get your business/service out there and the best part is, it's FREE!
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Bonuses - Incentives - Great Pay - Flexibility - Better Business Awarded Company
See for yourself...Click on the image and fill out the application and you can come and see if what we do is a match for what you are looking for.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Whatever it takes, commit completely to your goals and
success will follow!
Zig Ziglar
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Writing Articles
Writing articles is a great way to get yourself noticed. As long as there is a topic that you know pretty well, you should be able to write about it. You can even take the same article and rewrite it in another way and create a new article that way.
At the end of each article you write and submit, you will be asked for a bio that leads to you.
This is where you will input your expertise and a link that will allow that reader to find you.
Now when submitting an article, you are giving your rights away for redistribution of that article... However, your bio needs to stay intact. Allowing your article to pop up anywhere and everywhere with your contact info available.
What a great way to get noticed...There are so many article directories that I just suggest you google (article directories or article submissions) for your results.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Do You Need A Virtual Assistant?
If you are in business for yourself then I am sure you have heard the term - Outsourcing.
When you can take specific tasks and delegate them to a trusted individual to get the job done, that is outsourcing. Leaving you time to focus on the essential duties that you need to do yourself.
So what is a Virtual Assistant? Consider your Virtual Assistant your Personal Assistant. This is an individual that has your business needs #1 on their priority list.
What does a Virtual Assistant do? A Virtual Assistant is your right hand. Accomplishing so many of the tasks that you just don't have enough time to do yourself.
What are some of the tasks a Virtual Assistant can do? Each Virtual Assistant expertise will vary. But following is a list of the basics that a Virtual Assistant can and will do:
1) Administrative Tasks
2) Set appointments
3) Draw up contracts, proposals and quotes
4) Relieve you of the tedious tasks that time just does not allow you to do yourself
5) Data Entry
6) Order Taking/Processing
7) Email
8) Creating Spreadsheets
9) Power Point Presentations
10) Marketing
Sundi Hayes brings her front office C-Level can do attitude and skills to provide back office support and administration to speakers, coaches and trainers across the nation. After fifteen years in Corporate America, her organizational, project management, communication and process development skills have been sharpened and honed to perfection.
As a Christian, wife and soccer mom to three pre-teen boys, working a full time job and working toward the dream of being a full-time soloist. She knows first hand that balance can be achieved through the use of advanced technology and a lot of it.
Cutting edge technology comes with a price, however, My Office Zilla has been a bootstrap organization from the beginning. Starting in early 2008 with only a laptop and internet connection, Sundi's company has experienced much of its growth as a result of her fantastic attitude and willingness to learn new things - whether it's a new skill to benefit her clients or to further her personal love of learning.
Technology has consistently provided the means to finding unique solutions to many of her clients' challenges. In the end, what her clients experience is Sundi's passion to take their visions from dream to reality.
You can find Sundi on twitter: @Sundi_MOZ
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Make it a great night!
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Effectively Growing Your Business
What is the most effective way for a business, any business to grow? If you said "word of mouth", you are correct.
You and your family go and see a movie... You like it....You tell your girlfriend about it...And now she goes to see it because of what you said about it.
Your boyfriend takes you out to eat at a new restaurant that just opened up....You both had great service...The waiters were coming by constantly topping off your beverage...Asking if there was something else you needed... The food was amazing... The lighting was perfect....There was romance and still room to converse in getting to know each other a little more......The ambiance was perfect and the bill for your romance and connection was even better.... Of course you go ahead and tell everyone you know about the great dining experience you had....
Referrals.....All business's are built on referrals. And it is your recommendation that drives more traffic to that certain business. We do it every day, maybe not even knowing that we are doing it. We recommend the shoes we bought....The place we ate at...The movie we saw....Everything is all about referring.
So what if you came across a business that you totally believed in.... 100%... No if's, ands or buts....Would you refer? Of course you would! It's just natural to us... We do it every day and we are not even paid on it.
There is a home-based business that is built just on that... Referrals...And if you are looking to work at home, to own your own home based business and you have no problem referring something that you believe in, then you need to visit here and see if you have any problem referring this to your friends....Honest to goodness, this is life changing... And I am letting everyone know about it....
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, August 10, 2009
There Still Is Hope!
It is so hard for people to try and stay positive with the economy in such a bad state. So many people are losing their jobs... Getting their hours cut back...Every day there is another story of a "Mom and Pop' business closing down...And then there are so many "Big" business's closing down as well.
NOW is actually the time to start looking into running your own home-based business. More and more people are jumping on board and looking to work at home because of their own financial situation.
I hear every day how people think it takes hundreds, even thousands of dollars to start their own business. That just baffles me...And yet, it angers me as well. So many people are in "Desperate Mode" when looking for a home-based business and it's because of that, we have scams out there.
Understand this: There is a difference between working at home and owning your own home-business. One will most likely require a nominal fee and the other won't. I should also point out that when working from home for someone else, you again are placed in a position where you really don't have job security. You can't even imagine all the people that are looking right now for the same thing you are.... Positions are going fast, everywhere.
There is, however, hope for the individual that is looking to own their own home-based business. Your business! With all the incentives included...Imagine everything you can write off. Not just paper and ink, I'm talking about part of your electric, possibly mortgage, gas and even your household necessities. Yes, your laundry soap, shampoo, floor cleaner...Shoot! Your vitamins as well, if you take vitamins.
If you find yourself looking into owning your own business, contact me....I will gladly share what I do with you and see if it's a match for what you are looking for. It very well may be. But if you don't take the step in contacting me, where will you be 6 weeks from now? Will anything have changed for you? Take the step now..... You really have nothing to lose. Just email me.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Introducing Your Business
First: Be honest with yourself. Is your business something you really believe in? Or are you just crossing your fingers hoping that people will just jump on board with you? If you don't honestly believe in what you are doing, people will see through it.
*** Does your business impact people positively?
*** Will individuals benefit from the business? Not just financially.
*** Will your business become saturated? Will it still be something that the public needs and wants over a period of time?
Second: If your business involves teaming up and working together, make sure that you are there for your new partner.
*** Don't display your opportunity to potential partners by placing a pretty bow on a shiny package when inviting new partners to join you and then find yourself not there for your new partners.
*** This takes commitment on your part. You need to make sure you are there and available to your new partners. They are depending on you.
You are dealing with Real people, with Real dreams and Real Hopes. Make sure you believe in what you are doing. It also helps when your opportunity is something that is not just a fad... Something that will last forever....Something that is honest and ethical and helps everyone and everyone can benefit not just financially, but in more ways you can imagine.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
When Working From Home Isn't Working Out
More and more moms are choosing to either work from home or start home based businesses, and while they each have their own reasons for doing so, most have one thing in common: they want to be with their children and spend more time with their families.
A Christian mom may feel an even larger responsibility to be with her children on a daily basis. It’s easier to teach our children about God’s love for them when we are with them all day, every day.
But what can a work-at-home-mom do when working from home isn’t working out?
Perhaps a home business idea didn’t take off and a business mom thinks about returning to her old job to pay off some bills. Maybe a telecommuting job is ending and another one isn’t on the horizon. Sometimes the desire for a larger home, a family vacation, or the loss of the husband’s income can lead a work-at-home mom to wonder if it’s time for her to work outside the home again.
It’s a difficult decision to make, frequently fraught with feelings of failure, sadness, and wondering where you went wrong. A Christian WAHM who prays regularly for her business’s success may even question why God didn’t just make things easier for her.
At least, that was how I felt when faced with this decision two years ago. My husband had been hospitalized for several months, his paycheck had been cut back and our expenses had increased. My revenue from my new home business simply wasn’t enough to make up the shortfall.
At first, returning to work seemed my only option, but after spending many hours in prayer and discussing options with my husband and others whom I trusted, I believed God wanted me to stay home with our children and trust Him to meet our material needs.
Rebekkah Kogelschatz of Smart Moms-Smart Business, LLC,, recently faced this same decision when her husband’s health problems increased his time away from work. For Kogelschatz, though, returning to work was the right answer. It has been a difficult decision, but she says, "You truly have to look at your overall picture, pray, and have faith that God will lead you to the right answer."
For anyone who feels pressured to return to an outside job, it’s important to remember that God hasn’t forgotten about you, your family, or your business. Here are some steps you can take to find God’s purpose for this time.
Pray. Are you thinking of returning to work because of social pressures, or is it truly God’s idea?
Kogelschatz and her husband both "prayed for discernment, trying not to see only the financial aspects of returning to work, which would definitely improve, but also looking at how it would affect our children and our household."
During my own husband’s illness, the growing pile of bills seemed to scream that it was time for me to go back to work. But when I asked God what He thought, I strongly felt that He wanted me to stay home and trust Him, despite how things appeared.
Whatever you decide to do, be sure it’s God’s plan and not your own.
Trust. If you have sincerely sought God’s plan for your business, you can trust that God will protect and provide for you and your family. Though not always pleasant, and not always in the way I wished He would have helped us, God did provide for my family during my husband’s illness.
As a teacher looking for a job in late summer, Kogelschatz expected to find the bottom of the barrel in teaching positions, but she believes God prepared the way for her return. "There was a great resource position available that I applied for and I got it," Kogelschatz says. "It was the perfect position for the other events that are happening in my life… God provided the right position at the right time."
Work. A return to the outside workforce does not necessarily mean the end of your home business. Continue to work on building your business when you can. Kogelschatz works many evenings on developing her websites, posting on her blogs, and chatting on forums. "When I used to work 20-30 hours a week on building the websites, I know have to balance my time with my family time and do as much as I can when I get the opportunity." She plans to return to her home based internet business full time and is using this year to build foundations that will help her earn an at-home income equivalent to her teaching salary. Kogelschatz has some encouraging words for moms who, like her, return to working outside the home for a time:
"If you have to go back to work, plan your time so your family and your home based business do not suffer, but don’t feel like you have to spend all night and the weekends working on your home based business. It may not move at the speed it would if you were home, but it will move ahead." She adds, "I am truly at peace with our decision, even though I still miss being the one with my children each day."
‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’Jeremiah 29:11
Denise Willms is co-owner of, publisher of WAHM-Articles Ezine, and a ghostwriter for WAHMs who don’t like to write. She is author of the free eBook, Uncovering the Secrets of WAHM Article Marketing and A 30-Day Prayer Guide for Work-at-Home-Moms, scheduled for release in 2007. For more information, please visit or email .
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Magic Eraser
The photo is of Kolby - 24 hours after being burned by a Magic Eraser sponge. It was much worse the day before.
One of my five year old's favorite chores around the house is cleaning scuff marks off the walls, doors, and baseboards with either an Easy Eraser pad, or the real deal, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I remember reading the box, wondering what the "Magic" component was that cleaned crayon off my walls with ease. No ingredients were listed and absolutely no warnings were on the box, other than "Do not ingest."
My package of the Scotchbrite Easy Erasers didn't have a warning either; and since my child knew not to eat the sponges and keep them out of reach of his little brother and sister, it was a chore I happily let him do.
If I had known that both brands (and others like them) contain a harmful alkaline or "base" chemical (opposite of acid on the pH scale) that can burn your skin, I never would have let my little boy handle them. As you can see from the picture, when the Scotchbrite Easy Eraser was rubbed against his face and chin, he received severe chemical burns.
At first, I thought he was being dramatic. I picked him up, put him on the counter top and washed his face with soap and water. He was screaming in pain. I put some lotion on his face - more agony. I had used a Magic Eraser to remove magic marker from my own knuckles a while back and I couldn't understand why he was suddenly in pain. Then, almost immediately, the large, shiny, blistering red marks started to spread across his cheeks and chin.
I quickly searched for "Magic Eraser Burn" and turned up several results. I was shocked. These completely innocent looking white foam sponges can burn you?
I called our pediatrician, and of course got sent to voice mail. I hung up and called the hospital and spoke to an emergency room nurse. She told me to call Poison Control. The woman at Poison Control said she was surprised nobody had sued these companies yet and walked me through the process of neutralizing the alkaline to stop my son's face from continually burning more every second.
I had already, during my frantic phone calling, tried patting some numbing antibiotic cream on his cheeks, and later some Aloe Vera gel - both resulted in screams of pain. The Poison Control tech had me fill a bathtub with warm water, lay my son into it, cover him with a towel to keep him warm and then use a soft washcloth to rinse his face and chin with cool water for a continuous 20 minutes. My son calmed down immediately. He told me how good it felt. I gave him a dose of Tylenol and after the twenty minutes was up, he got dressed in his Emergency Room doctor Halloween costume and off we went to the hospital. They needed to make sure the chemical burn had stopped burning, and examine his face to determine if the burn would need to be debrided (from my fuzzy recollection of hospital work, this means removing loose tissue from a burn location). My son was pretty happy at the hospital, they were very nice and called him "Doctor" and let him examine some of their equipment. The water had successfully stopped the burning and helped soothe a lot of the pain. I'm sure Tylenol was helping too.
They sent us home with more Aloe Vera gel, Polysporin antibiotic cream, and some other numbing creams. By the time we got home, my son was crying again. I tried applying some of the creams but he cried out in pain. Water seemed to be what worked the best.
After a rough night, I took the above photo in the morning. He was swollen and wouldn't move his lips very much. The skin on his cheeks was taut.
Today he is doing much better. The burns have started to scab over, and in place of red, raw, angry, skin we have a deeper red, rough healing layer. I can touch his skin now, without it stinging.
If you are a parent or grandparent, this post is meant to save your loved ones from the horror these parents went through. Please share it with other parents, grandparents, babysitters, aunts and uncles ~ anyone you know who spends time with kids.
And no, this was not my child.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Owning Your Own Business
Owning your own business has so many advantages. You can work the hours that you want. You can write your own paycheck instead of having someone else pay you what they think you are worth. You can take your break and lunch when you want.
Of course there are a lot of difficulties as well. You may have to consider hiring staff, paying the rent or lease on the building that your business is in. Then there is the electric and water, payroll and accountant.. Ohh, let's not forget about office supplies and of course inventory. If you are online, chances are you will be shipping as well.
Working hard and being consistent is of course the key factor. There may be times when you go without because of all of the other expenses. It may even get to a point where you have a hard time paying your employees, keeping the electric on, or scraping change up to ship an order to someone.
You can own your own business that is LEGIT and YOURS. You write your own paycheck. Guess what? My home business is transferable...Meaning, I will pass my business down to my children. And I will actually be able to retire and walk away knowing my kids are secure.
I don't Sell, Carry Inventory or Take Orders. This is not an MLM, where the first person in, wins. This is not Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Avon, Watkins or Amway...
I open up Wholesale Membership Accounts. This is Direct Consumer Shopping at it's best. Very similar to BJ'S, Costcos and Sams Club....Except better. Deeper Discounts, No Bulk Shopping, Access to over 70 other Retail Stores ( Sears, Kohl's, Target, Dell, Overstock ) to name a few, which provide discounts as well.
Want help in finding a lower mortgage rate? We have that. Need Auto Insurance/House Insurance? We have that. How about a little help with Lowering your cost for prescriptions? We have that. As well as Internet, Long Distance, Cell Phone plans and so much more. Our members actually get "Thank You" checks in the mail from the company just for shopping.
Can you see why I love my business? I am helping people all over save money. And with this economy the way it is, who doesn't want to save even more? Again, it's not just the savings that you get...It's all the other little perks that are included, the little thank you checks that the customers receive and all the other services that are available to them.
When someone contacts me, I escort them Directly to the factory where they can see ALL we have to offer. And why we stand apart from BJ's, Sams Club and Costcos. Yes, I am making a difference for families in a time when they need it the most.
Ohh, maybe I should mention that my business also received the "Torch" award from the Better Business Bureau. How's that for credentials?
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What Do I Need Goals For?
You hear a lot about setting goals, writing down your goals and keeping track of your goals. But what is the sense in it, you may ask?
Goals keep you focused on whatever it is that you desire to achieve. It's good to start out with a few little baby goals....Like planning a to pay off a credit card by a certain time. Or taking a vacation by a certain time. By doing this, setting a deadline, give you the time-line to achieve a certain task by a certain time....
It's ok if you don't meet your deadline.... If you fall short. If that happens, you reset your goals and start over. But I am a firm believer that without setting goals to begin with, you would have fallen much shorter than you would have if you had set goals. Setting goals keep you on pace in achieving what it is you desire.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, write it down on paper and know the steps that you need to take in order to reach your deadline. Look at your goal list everyday... Compare it to how close you are to it in reality. You can them determine if you are right on track or if you need to work a little harder....
Remember, write it down... It's NOT enough to know in your mind.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I Can Help You Work At Home
Do you have a dream? A goal? Do you long for more than you have? Do you have a desire to be more than you already are?
What if I could give you the vehicle to get you where you want to be? Would you try? Or would you just scroll on by, not thinking twice?
Our children grow up with a ton of dreams and goals.... But as adults, we tend to just want to get by. What if you were given the right opportunity to make things better in your household? In your income? Do you really desire it enough to take a look?
If so, I may be able to help.... It does not hurt or cost anything to take a look.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
You want to stay at home but you have to pay the bills...
Did you know that out of 100 people who started working at the age of 25, by the age of 65:
- 1 is healthy
- 4 have enough money for a comfortable retirement
- 3 are still working
- 63 are dependent on Social Security, friends, relatives or charity
- 29 are dead
More than 25 million Americans are home-based entrepreneurs and that number is growing daily. Being paid for what you do is always more rewarding than being paid what someone thinks you are worth! Employers are holding the key to our futures – but you can change that by starting a business from home.
We just may have what you are looking for:
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
As long as your computer is up
and running, we have a position
for you.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
It's All About Team Work
Are you looking for a way to bring in a couple hundred each month? Do you have a computer? Internet Access? A few hours each week to spare? Are you coachable? Are you serious?
Then visit here
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Compartmentalize - A Prerequisite For Success
Compartmentalization is a critical step to achieving goals and getting the results you want in life.
After you establish your goals and priorities for a day, hour, or a particular meeting or project you must compartmentalize.
Compartmentalization means focusing on each individual item without letting any one activity encroach upon the timing and effectiveness of any other.
It's easier said than done, however if you want to achieve your goals in the fastest manner possible you must take the following steps to maximize your ability to compartmentalize:
* WRITE down every action you plan to take.
Underperformers keep their goals in their head while high achievers put their plans to paper in an organized manner. After you've committed your priorities to paper, you gain clarity and control which allows you to free your mind of worry and anticipation.
* CROSS items off your list.
A feeling of accomplishment precedes a completed item. Every action moves you one step closer to your desired goal and ideal outcome.
* CONCENTRATE on the present.
Focus on the here and now, you cannot change the past nor can you control the future.
If you find that you are having trouble compartmentalizing your time and activities, look at your list and remind yourself of what's most important - your current focus. Like a rubber band, this will snap you back to the matter at hand.
Cindy Ashworth is a single, work at home mom. Providing a REAL work at home business with one on one coaching and mentoring. The way it should be! Also the owner of and
Articles written in this blog by Cindy Ashworth are the sole property of Cindy Ashworth and permission is needed for duplication.